Traffic Violations
Whether you've been charged with a common infraction like speeding or failure to yield, or a more serious offense like reckless driving or driving on a suspended license, SBC Legal Services, PLLC is prepared to help you fight your ticket. It’s best to have a skilled attorney that understands how to navigate the traffic court system and will find the best strategy to help you avoid points, decrease penalties, or have your charges reduced.
Frequently Asked Questions
While paying a speeding ticket is an option, it’s important to consider the potential consequences. Paying the ticket is an admission of guilt and can result in points against your license. These points can lead to higher insurance premiums and even license suspension if you accumulate too many. It’s always best to consult with an attorney to evaluate your situation and explore other options.
No, you do not “need” an attorney. However, before you plead guilty and pay the fine to get rid of your traffic case, it is always best to consult an attorney. An attorney may be able to negotiate a better deal, including a reduction in your charges, or a complete dismissal of the charge. Remember, paying the ticket is an admission of guilt and will automatically impact your license and insurance. An attorney will definitely help you save time and money in the long run.
Handling a ticket on your own can be stressful and time consuming. Most tickets require that you appear either personally or through an attorney. In some cases you may be able to pay the ticket online, however, if you do this then you are pleading guilty to the charge. Paying the ticket as is can result in points on your license and an increase in your insurance. SBC Legal Services, PLLC will appear in court on your behalf and get you the best result possible!